Friday, December 4, 2009

Happy Thoughts: December

Happy thoughts for December:
  1. Everywhere I look, there are sparkly decorations. The glitterier and kitschier the better.
  2. Winter vacation is almost here and with it comes the end to the semester.
  3. December 21st: the longest night of the year. Once I make it past that landmark, I know there will be a little more sunshine every day after that.
  4. It's perfectly justifiable and non-tacky to listen to Xmas music in December.
  5. I can break out my collection of hand-knit scarves/hats/mittens and not be totally overdressed.
  6. Snow is coming any day now.
  7. Skiing, sledding and snowball fights.
  8. Wool socks.
  9. Belgian Hot Chocolate at LPQ.
  10. Last, but certainly not least: spending time with all the awesome people and fantastic felines in my life.

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