But now it looks like I'm going to have to face this day head-on. Think you can take me, you stupid Day? Yeah, you and what army?
Trust me.
A Blog About Writing, Thinking, Making Stuff and Mixing Metaphors
E tu Brute?Today is that day. Enjoy it while you can because it only comes around once a year.
Prue: Write something safe. Write something easy. Write something where you know you'll succeed.
Mav: Safe-schmafe. Write whatever makes you happy.
Prue: This isn't like workshop. You have to hand it in For Real and your graduation depends on it.
Mav: Who cares if what you hand in isn't great. The important thing is that you learn something, right?
If a writer decides not to follow a critique or piece of advice, is that hubris on the writer's part, or is that the writer being true to her vision?On one hand, I don't want to be that writer. You know the one--that's the writer who makes everyone read her stuff and give critiques, then completely ignores everything they say. Or worse, it's the writer who makes a point of defending his work against every critique point the group makes. All I know is, I've been on the "group" side of this equation and it stinks. Not to mention that the folks advising me to take the safe road may be totally right. They might see something I just can't see and I'd be committing thesis suicide if I don't listen. (This last part is Prue whispering in my ear.)